Explore the Deeper Dimensions of Yoga

A Space for Reflection, Inquiry, and Joyful Practice

Yoga sadhana connects us with the principles of yoga, deepening our practice, cultivating self-awareness and mindfulness, tuning us into the needs of our bodies and minds. 

Providing a space for reflection and inquiry, the program helps us explore our understanding of well-being and harmony.

Beginner or  practitioner, Yoga Sadhana shows us how to  connect more deeply with our body, mind, and spirit.

For Beginners and Experienced Practitioners Alike!

Deepen your awareness

Enroll now

Purpose of Yoga Sadhana

Yoga Sadhana's purpose is simple: deepening awareness.
Using asana, pranayama, reflective work and other meditative practices, we will explore how lifestyle, thoughts, and activities influence our sense of well-being.

Yoga Sadhana

An Online Course offered over 12 Weeks
March 15th - May 30th 2023

  • Weekly Live Sessions on Wednesdays 6 - 7:30 AM IST

  • Explore the principles of yoga (theory & practice), end with discussion and Q&A

  • Re-streaming followed by live discussion: Saturdays 6 - 7:30 PM IST

Course curriculum

Yoga Sādhana is an online 12-week program, designed to customise the tools of yoga to fit the needs of each individual. The program includes yoga philosophy, reflective work, and short practices that can be seamlessly woven into everyday life.

    1. Prepare yourself

    1. Introduction to Yoga and Mindfulness

    1. Duhkham: What Disturbs and Constricts Our Inner Space?

    2. Join the community

    1. The 5 kleśas: How They Manifest Within Us and What We Can Do to Reduce Them

    1. Yoga and Mindfulness for Physical Health and Well-being

    1. Yoga and Mindfulness for Mental Health and Wellbeing

Yoga Sādhana

  • 15 lessons

Offered By


Saraswathi Vasudevan

Founder, YogaVahini

A long term student of Sri TKV Desikachar, Saraswathi draws inspiration for her life and work from the teachings of Sri T Krishnamacharya, Sri TKV Desikachar and the Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh. Through this program, she aims to combine the teachings and practice of yoga with the practice of mindfulness for a transformative life journey.

Gowri Visvanathan

Senior Instructor

A mother first, the need to nurture undiminished, Gowri has channelled her life force to healing. A student of yoga for over 15 years, she looks to share her learning in Yogavahini, to help others heal themselves.

Lekha Parameswaran

Senior Instructor

Lekha is a Researcher turned Entrepreneur, a Yoga Teacher, a Reiki Practitioner, and a mother of two lovely girls. She is a longtime Student of Saraswathi Vasudevan. She is passionate about using the Insights gained from her Study of Yoga Sutras to enable herself and others to move through life with serenity, courage and wonder.